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10 Things You Should Know About SEO Before You Begin

By Katrina Puranik - Google Marketing Specialist, Ranking Australia

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is one of the most important marketing factors for any business today. Unfortunately, it's also one of the most confusing.

It's not difficult to see why: There are many factors to consider when starting with SEO. From keyword research to site structure and user experience, there are so many moving parts that make up an effective strategy.

However, with so much information out there on the subject and such a high demand for companies who can effectively manage their digital presence, it's no wonder that businesses struggle to get started with this strategy in the first place.

This article will give you 10 actionable insights for you to implement on your website to improve your search engine ranking and attract more visitors from Google and other search engines.

Did you know that SEO is 70% cheaper than paid marketing?

Focus on user experience

Google's SEO Algorithm leverages website with a strong and efficient User Experience. What does this mean exactly? Well, it means that you need to look at your website from a visitor's perspective and see how they would ideally use it. This is one of the many reasons why social media marketing is so effective for your business. 

When people are looking for information online, they want a quick and easy way to find what they're looking for. They don't want hours or days of searching through irrelevant content in order to find the answer they came for.

This is where social media advertising comes into play: It allows you to reach out directly to potential customers without them having to put in hours of screening prospects or visiting websites that don't fit their needs. Social media ads allow you to target specific groups of people who have expressed an interest in your business, which allows you to reach out more effectively than traditional methods.

Do your keyword research!

Keyword research is another crucial component of SEO strategy that every company must take into account before beginning their digital marketing campaign. A great SEO research tool is Keywords Everywhere. There are so many factors involved with keyword research, though; from understanding competition within your industry and analysing long-tail keywords, there are a lot of different things you need to keep up with if you want your company's website (or any other piece of digital content) to rank higher in search. To find out more long-tail keywords and phrases that people are searching for – try out Answer the Public – you can access three detailed reports a day for free – and really informative data when keywords everywhere data is switched on!

Make sure you're on Google's radar.

Did you know that Google controls more than 90% of Online Search Results? 

While Google is the most popular search engine - its not the only one. In fact, there are over ten different search engines in use today. Push your SEO Content to with Google Search Console, formerly known as Webmaster Tools – you need to have the link to your sitemap for this – and access to your DNS settings (It is highly recommended that you get your web host / developer / google partner to implement the TXT record to verify your domain before setting this up). 

In order to make sure your website ranks high on these other search engines, you need to ensure that it's being optimised for them as well. You can use keywords and keywords alone to optimise your website. However, this strategy isn't foolproof: It's important that your site is optimised for all of the major search engines so that you don't miss out on traffic from any other source.

According to Moz, the highest ROI comes from blogging.

Blogging is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies that you can use to boost your company's visibility and performance. Blogging is a low-cost, high-conversion strategy that can attract new visitors and drive leads, which in turn will increase your revenue.

According to research from Moz, the highest ROI comes from blogging because it typically has the best return on investment (ROI) among all digital marketing strategies. This means that blogs are an excellent strategy for companies who want to generate more leads and generate more revenue through their website. This is where you add value to the end-user. 

This data suggests that companies who blog should put more time and resources into their blog as it's typically one of the best performing strategies for them.

Did you know that 70% of sales were the result of an online search?

Get to know your target audience.

One of the most important steps for any company is to identify its target audience. Knowing who your ideal client is means more effective marketing campaigns and developing a content strategy around their needs.

It's also important that you know what to focus on when it comes to your business—the more you know about what makes your business unique, the easier it will be for you to get creative with your digital strategies.

Another factor that must be taken into account is the keywords that are used in conjunction with your search terms. This can help determine what content people are searching for and how they're finding it. If a lot of people are searching for "how to start a blog," it might be worth creating a blog post or video tutorial on this topic, even if it doesn't match your main product or service.

Pay attention to your site's metadata.

This is one of the most critical factors for SEO. The information in your metadata, like name, title, and description, can make all the difference in how your website is ranked on search engine results pages (SERPs). This information is what sets you apart from other companies that might be trying to do the same thing.

The important factor here is that your metadata needs to be relevant and concise. As much as possible, you should aim to provide just enough information so that users can quickly understand what's going on.

Build quality links to your website

Building quality links will increase your websites SEO rank. This doesn't necessarily mean paying for a link, as there are many ways you can build links through content creation, social media marketing, and more.

You need to know that building quality links lead to higher rankings in search results. Having a high ranking in search results also means increased traffic and conversions. It's a win-win situation!

More traffic means more sales. Higher conversions mean higher profits.

So start building your link profile today and take your business into the future!

Use visual aids like infographics and video content to improve user experience.

The main goal of search engine optimisation is to improve the user experience. That's why visual aids like infographics and videos can increase engagement.

It may seem like a good idea to use images or videos for SEO purposes rather than text-based content. Still, this strategy is only effective if it complements your written content. With text content on the rise, it's always important to consider what content will help you achieve your goals. 

The best option may be a mix; after all, there are various ways that infographics and videos can complement your text.

How do you know which content to focus on? After considering your target audience and what you want them to accomplish with their visit, this could be your answer.

Create original content that ranks well in search results

It is important that your website has original content - so that it ranks well in search results - fresh content, and regular content. Sure, you should be working on keyword research and optimising your site for Google and other search engines, but at the end of the day, if people don't have anything interesting to read, they won't spend any time with your website. More content being published over time demonstrates authority, and relevance. 

Google will recognise your website as up-to-date and rank higher as a result. The key is to fresh content, optimised with keywords for search results and keep it up-to-date to meet people's changing needs. If you want to attract more visitors from Google and other search engines, ensure that your content is relevant to the keywords people are searching for.

Don't forget about mobile SEO when creating your strategy.

You first need to know that SEO can't be done in a vacuum. When designing an effective digital marketing strategy, you need to consider the whole user experience. This means that you have to think about how people will interact with your website on a mobile device, too.

Since most of today's searches are being performed on mobile devices, it makes sense to think about SEO through the lens of mobile marketing in addition to desktop SEO. 

In fact, 78 per cent of searchers use their phones to search for products and services in 2022 — and this figure is projected to increase steadily as more people access the web from their mobiles. 

As a result, remember to optimise your website for mobile users when developing your strategy. Mobile-friendly websites are now crucial for attracting customers and converting them into leads and sales on your website.


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