Digital Success Stories Part 1
By Katrina Puranik - Google Marketing Specialist, Ranking Australia
By Katrina Puranik - Google Marketing Specialist, Ranking Australia
2020 has brought so many changes to our lives. The millions of videos from TikTok users, the global toilet paper war of 2020, coronavirus pandemic lockdown, the transition from the office to working from home.
The digital world is now booming with more and more content and end users every day. It is even more essential that you manage your online
business as you do your physical business. To make that happen is essential that you have the right tools to make it work.
The Digital Toolkit has been running for a couple of years now. But what have you been able to take away from the toolkit? What is it all about? They are 1 hour weekly Panel Sessions, where small business owners can ask Leading Digital Experts advice on a range of topics essential to growing your business online, to achieve digital success.
To the rest of the world it is:
You need a specific digital toolkit for your business, which helps you to establish:
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